1. Naz 100 Vs. Dow Outperformance Stops Dead at 1999 Level

2. U.S. Dollar at Lowest Levels in 2 ½ Years
Dollar Down, Internationals Up-Bespoke Investment Group
While risk assets are continuing their recent move higher today, the US dollar (as proxied by Bloomberg’s dollar index) is also reversing higher as it looks to end a four-day losing streak. As shown in the chart below, last week saw the dollar drop 1.93%; its worst stretch of five days since June 1st. While today’s rally is reversing some of those losses, last week’s move resulted in a break below support from the consolidation that had been occurring since mid-summer when the dollar fell below late 2019 lows. Although it is off the lows today, the dollar is currently around some of its lowest levels of the past two and a half years.

3. Online Shopping ETF+88%YTD

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ONLN Top 10 Holdings
Total Top 10 Weighting69.04
4. 30 Year Treasury Yields Break Above June Highs….
30 Year Treasury Yield up 30% Since June

5. Visa Stock+1000%in 10 Years…The End of Cash
Card adoption is already climbing—to 82.1% of in-store transactions from 78.7% in January, according to industry researcher The NPD Group
Today, Visa links 70 million sellers with 3.5 billion account credentials issued by 13,000 banks. It collects fees per transaction for authorization, clearing, and settlement, and it sells add-on services for things like detecting fraud and increasing customer loyalty. BARRONS
Pandemic or Not, Visa Remains a Growth Stock Stalking Its Biggest Rival, Cash

6. SPACS Keep Trucking in 2020

Special purpose acquisition companies, which raise funds based on acquisition goals, have become an increasingly popular mechanism for IPOs. (Silicon Valley Bank, State of the Markets, Q3 2023.)
GEEK WIRE BY TODD BISHOP on July 31, 2020 at 6:25 am
7. How RNA Vaccines Work
From Barry Ritholtz blog
How RNA Vaccines Work
Source: Washington Post

8. The Highest Number of Green Card Holders in 11 Years Took the Oath of Citizenship
The number of U.S. naturalizations rose to 843,593 persons in 2019, up 11 percent from 761,901 in 2018 (Table 1) (Figure 1).3The number of applications for citizenship in 2019 was down to 830,560 from 837,168 applications in 2018. The number of naturalizations exceeds the number of applications due to previous adjudicated application denials and delays in application processing (Figure 2).4The leading countries of birth of newly naturalized citizens were Mexico (122,286), India (64,631), the Philippines (43,668), the People’s Republic of China (China) (39,490), and Cuba (36,246). The largest number of persons naturalizing lived in California (148,765), Texas (97,675), and Florida (96,149) (Table 2).
Persons Naturalized: Fiscal Years 1907 to 2019

More Green Card Holders Are Becoming U.S. CitizensJo Craven McGinty
9. Breakdown of American’s Mortgage Costs

Data source: Census Bureau. Chart by author.
Here’s the Size of the Average American’s Mortgage
10. 4 Traits Found in Psychologically “Healthy” Individuals
Researchers identify the personality markers found in well-adjusted individuals-Mark Travers Ph.D.
There are hundreds if not thousands of traits psychologists use to describe someone’s personality. A person can be gentle, nervous, modest, or conscientious. Someone can be demanding, independent, vain, or risk-taking.
Which traits are most likely to be found in psychologically “healthy” individuals? A team of researchers led by Weibke Bleidorn of the University of California, Davis attempted to answer this question in a new paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. They found that high levels of openness to feelings, positive emotions and straightforwardness, combined with low levels of neuroticism were most indicative of a healthy personality.
“Scholars have been interested in characterizing a healthy personality prototype since the beginning of the scientific study of personality,” state Bleidorn and her team. “The father of modern personality trait theory, Gordon Allport, distinguished the ‘mature person’ based on their intentional pursuit of long-term goals. […] Erik Erikson famously claimed that Sigmund Freud described the healthy person as someone who can love and work.”
Bleidorn and her team added a contemporary twist to this age-old question. In their first study, they recruited 137 personality experts to rate which of 30 commonly used personality traits would appear in psychologically stable individuals. They found that experts rated openness to feelings, warmth, positivity, and straightforwardness as the traits most likely to appear in well-adjusted individuals. Hostility, depressiveness, vulnerability, and anxiousness, on the other hand, were rated as least likely to be found in well-adjusted individuals.
Below is the full list of personality traits, ranked high to low on their likelihood of describing a psychologically “healthy” individual:
1. Openness to Feelings
2. Warmth
3. Positive Emotions
4. Straightforwardness
5. Competence
6. Altruism
7. Activity
8. Openness to Values
9. Tender-Mindedness
10. Dutifulness
11. Gregariousness
12. Self-Discipline
13. Order
14. Achievement
15. Deliberation
16. Openness to Aesthetics
17. Assertiveness
18. Trust
19. Compliance
20. Openness to Ideas
21. Modesty
22. Openness to Fantasy
24. Openness to Actions
25. Self-consciousness
26. Impulsivity
27. Anxiousness
28. Vulnerability
29. Depressiveness
30. Hostility
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