Topley’s Top 10 – August 22, 2023

1. Stock Bond Ratio Breaks Way Above 25 Year Range

Callum Thomas Chart Storm Stocks vs Bonds:  As a continuation or different angle on the previous chart, this one shows just how sharp and stark the disconnect between stocks and bonds has become — thanks to the most catastrophic run of performance for treasuries in recent history, stocks have absolutely smashed bonds on a relative performance basis. But to pause and reflect, this chart does NOT look sustainable.

Source: @SoberLook via Daily Chartbook

2. Huge Spread Between Nasdaq and Russell 2000 Small Cap 2023

From Dave Lutz at Jones Trading

3. Analysts Raise Forward Earnings Estimates

4. China High Yield Real Estate Chart

Callum Thomas @Callum Thomas (Weekly S&P500 #ChartStorm) Next Shoe to Drop:  Aside from the tech/rates aspect, also lurking in the background is increasingly bad macro in China. Now eventually this may become a case of “bad news is good news” when/if China opts for large scale stimulus to avert a deflationary spiral, but I would say until then it’s probably going to be a case of bad news is bad news (at least for those actually paying attention).

Source:  @carlquintanilla

5. Housing Affordability for First Time Homebuyers has Fallen to Worst on Record

6. Another Theme ETF Close to New Lows…UFO Space ETF

7. Electricity prices for households are up 30% since the pandemic started, see chart below

Torsten Slok, Ph.D.Chief Economist, PartnerApollo Global Management

8. Fast Food Chains Growth vs. Shrink

Chartr Blog

9. U.S. Housing…Slightly Smaller with Double the Cost Per Square Foot

NY Times- Michael Kolomatsky

10. American States vs. Foreign Countries in Longevity

NY Times by Nicholas Kristof