1. A Snapshot of Massive Bond Bear Market
From Abnormal Returns Blog -Bespoke Blog

2. B of A: Bull Bear Indicator is Neutral

Market Ear Blog https://themarketear.com/the-newsletter
3. Fear and Greed Index Neutral

4. Trading in Intra-Day Options Keeps Increasing as so do Losses.
Barrons-The options are inspiring retail traders who moved on from meme stocks during the pandemic, says John Bartleman, CEO of brokerage TradeStation. “A lot of customers are jumping into 0DTE. It’s a popular trading vehicle,” he says.
Despite big gains touted through social media, some academic research indicates the options are a losing trade for most people. Retail investors lost more than $350,000 on 0DTE options on an average trading day between May 2022 and September 2023, according to a study by researchers at the University of Münster in Germany. “0DTE options are on average not a lucrative investment vehicle for retail traders,” the researchers wrote.

5. Housing Inflation Rolling Over

6. Microsoft-Ballmer Richer than Gates

7. Tesla Recaptures 200-Day Moving Average

8. Roaring Kitty Gamestop GME is Negative on One-Year Return

9. Satellite Images Show Expansion of Suspected Chinese Spy Bases in Cuba-WSJ
By Warren P. Strobel
WASHINGTON—Images captured from space show the growth of Cuba’s electronic eavesdropping stations that are believed to be linked to China, including new construction at a previously unreported site about 70 miles from the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, according to a new report.
The study from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, follows reporting last year by The Wall Street Journal that China and Cuba were negotiating closer defense and intelligence ties, including establishing a new joint military training facility on the island and an eavesdropping facility.

10. Meaningfully Informed -Seth Godin
Community requires individuals to have the option of speaking up. If we’re in this together, we ought to be able to chime in.
But while every member of the community can speak out, the ones that are heard also have something useful to say. Being informed is a requirement to be heard.
Sometimes, our insight can come from firsthand experience, but it’s most likely that we’ve learned about the issue and the alternatives we face.
Education is at the heart of the conversation. Organized schooling, substantial peer engagement and intelligent media consumption give us a chance to earn our opinion.
Successful communities celebrate learning.